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Chris Locke's Comedy Blog.


Let's Get Hot! Sunday, Jan. 4.

Wow, like, if you live near or in Toronto, this is the comedy show to check out every month.
Here's the details for the up-coming January show!

Let's Get Hot!
with Chris Locke & Aaron Eves.

Jeremy Mersereau
Levi MacDougall
Adam Christie
Nick Flanagan
Nathan Fielder
Jon McCurley
Brian Barlow
Kathleen Phillips

Wow! Come to 'dis!

"The best comedy show ever since I took a shitty-poo-poo"
- Best critic ever!

Sunday, Jan. 4
332 Queen St. W.
Doors: 8:30pm

Here's a classic pic of Aaron and I in my classic room in front of my classIC! computer!


Let's Get Hot! Photos Dec. 7/08

Some photos I really liked by Joe Fuda from last weeks LGH! show.
There's Aaron Eves, Kathleen Phillips, Jon McCurley, Aaron & I beating up Nathan, Nathan Fielder, Levi MacDougall, James Hartnett, Brian Barlow, and me.


Santa's Back!

A music video I made for the Tiny Miracles Christmas show.
Filmed & Edited by Nathan Fielder.
Cameo by a kind Aaron Eves.


Let's Get Hot! Sunday, Dec. 7!

Aaron's back from Europe and this LGH! is going make your mind blow up and then contract in again and then freeze to death! It's going to be that good. So yeah, you have to go or else, I'm sorry to say, you're not really keeping up to date on the hot comedy.
Here are the details:

Let's Get Hot!

Chris Locke & Aaron Eves

Tim Polley
Zabrina Chevannes
Dylan Gott
Gary's Kids (A new sketch troupe from a YTV show featuring James Hartnett, Alana Johnson, & Kayla Lorette)
And of course:
Levi MacDougall
Jon Mccurley
Brian Barlow
Kathleen Phillips

And special guest!!!
... probably Nathan Fielder.

!!! Guh!

Sunday, December 7.
332 Queen St. W.
Doors: 8:30pm

Photo by Adam Brodie.

Photos from the Hour of Power!

Man, Joseph Fuda is taking some great photos of the Laugh Sabbath shows. He's a great fan and a great photographer. These are some of me performing some absurd thoughts about trumpets and a restaurant called, 'Taco Dong.'